The New IFAC Young Leaders Collective: Call for Applications

Imewekwa: Apr 16, 2024

IFAC is establishing its Young Leaders Collective to provide our profession with the opportunity to learn from the perspectives of early career professional accountants, as well as students and future or aspiring accountants.

Being part of the Collective will provide younger professionals and students with the opportunity to learn more about the challenges and opportunities facing our profession, while sharing their insights as our profession's future leaders.

Member Criteria

·English language fluency

·Comfortable sharing ideas in group settings

·Good at listening to differing opinions and the ideas of others

·Respect for others/cultural awareness; able to operate in a multi-cultural context

·Open minded

·Growth mindset

·An interest in one or more of IFAC's key areas: sustainability, anti-corruption, public financial management, international corporation and development, technology, etc.

·Access to technology to enable Zoom meetings, use of a SharePoint site, etc.

Details on the Collective

·22-28 members serving one-year terms, with the possibility of being asked to be reappointed for an additional year.

·Time commitment of 30-40 hours over the year, including two virtual meetings a year (4 hours in length).

·The first meeting is tentatively planned for August 2024.

Application Process

·Application deadline: May 31, 2024

·Click here to apply. Applicants will need to submit a resume or CV and upload a recording (video preferred, maximum 2 minutes) on why they want to be part of this initiative.

·This is a public call for applications, with a preference for those with a letter of recommendation from an IFAC member organization, IFAC network partner, or Forum of Firms member.